Saturday, August 29, 2009

The First Post

I feel immense pressure to make this first post absolutely fascinating. The real pity is that I'm incapable of working under pressure or something amazing might have been written here. So, I'll tell you what this is going to least until it changes into something unforseen. I'm hoping to talk about issues my husband's short attention span won't absorb, all the "negative" or "politically incorrect" things my friends won't abide listening to, and everything that never casually comes up in conversation and continues to bump around in my head making a bunch of noise. Instead of just forgetting...I'll save all these thoughts on here and see if they really were worthy of resurrection from the round file. Were they? You'll let me know.


  1. Looking forward to the politically incorrect things your friends won't abide listening to. I love people who are PI rather than PC. And I love you. Linda
